Picking Back Up
On overcoming anxiety.
by Joel PedersenAdmittedly, that subtitle is a bit ambitious, because I don't mean that I am going to reveal my solution. I just wanted to admit that there are often days where I sit, inert, too scared to apply paint to canvas. I hate failure with a passion, which is surprising because you'd think I'd be used to it by now. So, afraid of a visual catastrophe I just sit, or find something else to do. So how do I get over it? I honestly don't know. Maybe it's forgetting, maybe not. All I know is at some point I just stand up, walk over to the easel and start an under-painting.
So here's my inspirational message (to myself mainly, I don't think anyone else actually reads this stuff): If you're too terrified to make your next move, just relax. It's okay to do something else until the fear dissipates. It won't be forever.